Today I will show you guys how to install Greenbone Vulnerability Management (GVM) on Kali Linux 2022
I use sources below as reference
- OS: Kali Linux 2022
- At least 4 GB RAM
- At least 4 vCPUs
- More than 8 GB disk space (We used 16 GB in this demo)
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
Install GVM
- Install the latest GVM packages on Kali Linux
sudo apt install gvm -y
- Set up GVM (This process will take very long time)
sudo gvm-setup

sudo runuser -u _gvm -- gvmd --create-user=<username> --new-password=<password>

sudo runuser -u _gvm – greenbone-nvt-sync
Fixing the “fail to find scan config”
sudo runuser -u _gvm – gvmd --get-scanners

sudo runuser -u _gvm – gvmd --get-users --verbose

- Replace scanner ID with user ID
sudo runuser -u _gvm – gvmd --modify-scanner <scannerid> --value <userid>

Using GVM
Dashboards Tab
This is where you mangament all of your scan

Scans Tab
This is where your main workflow will be
- Task : to create scan
- Reports : to show the report from scan
- Results: to show the general result from multiple scan
- Vulnerability: to list our the information about the vul in whole system

To show the host in the network

To configure and remediate ticket from vul

To show the info about vuldb and threat intelligence

To modify the options of the scan
- Target: to set up the target for the scan
- Port list: to customize the port list for the scan
- Credentials: to add credentials for the scan
- Scan Configs: to modify the config of the scan

Administration: to set up account

Today I will show you guys how to install Greenbone Vulnerability Management (GVM) on Kali Linux 2022
I use sources below as reference
Install GVM
Fixing the “fail to find scan config”
Using GVM
Dashboards Tab
This is where you mangament all of your scan

Scans Tab
This is where your main workflow will be
To show the host in the network

To configure and remediate ticket from vul

To show the info about vuldb and threat intelligence

To modify the options of the scan
Administration: to set up account